Shipping Policy

Handling Time
Stock Collection items will typically ship within 1-3 business days (Monday through Friday and excluding holidays) of the placement of your order. Personalized items will typically ship 10 days after the placement of your order. This time will fluctuate due to our shop workload. Custom items will have an indicated production time.

Shipping Time
All of our item’s ship from our location in Caboolture Queensland Australia 4510. Depending on destination, dimensional weight of your order and cost effectiveness we will determine the best shipping option. We upload tracking information as soon as it’s available for your order.


We have seen a significant increase in shipping issues during this time and ask for
your patience in receiving your order from Australia. We rely on the carriers to deliver your order once they are in possession of the shipment. Unfortunately, we have very little control once a shipment is in transit. We will make sure that your order is delivered, but we have seen shipments that have taken weeks rather than days (as they should). This is a difficult time for all of us, so thank you for your patience.

Shipping Costs

AUSTRALIA Residents: 

We offer a flat rate shipping cost (sometimes *FREE SHIPPING for a Limited Time specials) for our signs to the continental Australia only. Please contact us for a shipping cost inquiry prior to your order. Orders with shipping costs not paid will be held until the shipping payment is collected.

Non-AUSTRALIA. Residents: 

We ship internationally and typically use UPS or the
Australian Postal Service for international orders for the most effective cost and in-transit
time. All international shipments will incur shipping costs shown at the time of checkout.
Any offer of Flat Rate or Free Shipping does not apply to international orders. Additionally, shipping costs and any fees outside of the shipping cost are the responsibility of the customer. Some countries will have import taxes, fees or duties all of which are the responsibility of the customer. Please let us know if you have any questions prior to your order.

Refund policy
Our refund policy is straight forward and simple.

We refund for items that meet refund criteria by the same way in which the original
funds were processed. In the instance where a change in method is required it is our
decision by which the refund will be processed. Refunds are offered for items that are
returned per our return policy.

Stock Collection items may be returned in brand-new condition if a return
authorization code is obtained within a 30-day period from when the item was
originally delivered (calculated by the tracking delivery scan). Please email to obtain a return authorization code. Personalized and
Custom items are not returnable.

Damaged Orders
All our items are quality checked before shipping and are shipped securely. However,
in the rare case of receiving an item damaged please contact to inform us. We will make sure that your order is received in new quality condition.